Acerentulus bulgaricus Shrubovych, 2019
Description. Habitus is shown on Figure 1 A. Head setae l 3, sd 4 and sd 5 short thickened sensilla, additional seta d 6 lacking (Figs 1 B, C, 5 A, B), length ratio of posterior setae d 7: sd 7 as 1.0: 1.4 (Fig. 5 A). Pseudoculus circular, with indistinct posterior extension, PR = 15 - 17 (Fig. 5 B). Sensilla of maxillary palps slender, differing in length, dorsal (d) sensillum shorter than ventral (v) (Figs 1 E, 5 C). Labial palps with four-branched tuft of apical setae and a slender sensillum (Figs 1 F, 5 D). Maxillary gland with rounded calyx, long and slender posterior filament and bilobed posterior dilation (Figs 1 D, 5 E), CF = 4.4 - 5.5. Foretarsus with t 1 claviform, t 3 leaf-like and the same length as t 1 (Figs 1 H, 5 F, J). All other sensilla slender, except the broadened sensillum a ' (Figs 1 H, 5 J). Sensillum a long, reaching base of seta γ 3; b and c long, extending past base of seta γ 3, b slightly shorter than c (Figs 1 G, 5 F). Base of d close to c, near t 2 insertion; a ' situated distal to t 1 insertion (Figs 5 F, J). Relative length of sensilla: (t 1 = t 3) <(b' = c')
Common Names
No common names available.
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Protura
Order: Protura
Family: Acerentomidae
Genus: Acerentulus
Species: Acerentulus bulgaricus Shrubovych, 2019