Passeroptes gaudi (Vassilev & Kolebinova, 1965) Vassilev & Kolebinova, 1965
Redescription. FEMALE (10 specimens). Body 220 – 255 long and 150 – 165 wide. Idiosomal shields without ornamentation, soft idiosomal cuticle striated, without scales or tubercules. Distance between propodonotal and hysteronotal shields about 20. Propodonotal shield 60 – 65 long and 65 – 70 wide, posterolateral extensions encompassing bases of setae se, in some specimens also bases of si. Setae se at least 3 times longer than si. Hysteronotal shield 90 – 105 long and 60 – 65 wide. Setae d 2 present. Humeral shields without dorsal valves. Coxal fields III closed. Adanal shields widely separated from each other, moderately sclerotized. Legs III and IV subequal, 100 – 115 long. Femora III and IV each with 1 ventral moderately developed retrorse projection. Other projections on posterior legs absent. Rudimental solenidion ω 1 present on tarsi I. Lengths of setae: se 55 – 60, cp 100 – 115, c 3 70 – 75, h 2 190 – 230, h 3 and ps 2 50 – 55, d II 70 – 75, d III – IV 60 – 65, ω 3 and ω 1 I about 25, φI – II 30, φIII and φIV about 3, σ 1 I about 17, and σII about 3.
Common Names
No common names available.
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Sarcoptiformes
Family: Dermationidae
Genus: Passeroptes
Species: Passeroptes gaudi (Vassilev & Kolebinova, 1965) Vassilev & Kolebinova, 1965