Baculentulus kulsarinae Likhitrakarn & Nakamura
Diagnosis. Baculentulus kulsarinae sp. nov. is characterized by foretarsal sensillum b longer than c, lacking b’, possessing two pairs of anterior setae, A 4 and A 5, on abdominal tergite VII, 14 setae on IX, 12 setae on XI, presence of P 1 a on abdominal tergites II – VII, and absence of P 3 a on VIII. It is most similar to B. matsuokai (Imadaté) which was also found from Thailand. The species differs in the shape of sensilla d and v on maxillary palp and lengths of foretarsal sensilla e, f and g.
Common Names
No common names available.
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Protura
Order: Protura
Family: Acerentomidae
Genus: Baculentulus
Species: Baculentulus kulsarinae Likhitrakarn & Nakamura