Cylindratus Meng, Qin & Wang, 2020


Diagnosis. Metope slightly longer than wide or elongate, with well developed median and sublateral carinae; median carina running throughout postclypeus and crossing metopoclypeal suture. Each side of metope between lateral margin and sublateral carina with two vertical rows of traces of larval sensory pits — 4 large pits along lateral margin (lateral row) and 7 small pits along sublateral carina (sublateral row). Coryphe elongate, pentagonal, with median carina, lateral margins converging anteriorly at acute angle, apex rounded. Pronotum half as long as coryphe medially, with strong median carina and 4 – 5 traces of larval sensory pits along lateral margins of disc; paradiscal fields wide behind the eyes; each paranotal lobe with a single trace of larval sensory pit basally. Mesonotum 1.5 times as long as pronotum, with distinct median and lateral carinae and two traces of larval sensory pits outside of lateral carina at each side. Fore wings short, reaching just hind margin of 3 rd abdominal tergite; venation obscure. Legs not flattened or foliate. Hind tibiae with single lateral spine in distal half and with 6 spines apically. First metatarsomere slightly longer than second one, with two latero-apical and one intermediate spines. Second metatarsomere with only two latero-apical spines. Male and female anal tube wide and rounded (in dorsal view). Male pygofer with strongly sinuate hind margins, convex in its upper halves (in lateral view). Style massive, with long and narrow capitulum. Hind margin of female 7 th sternite concave medially. Gonoplacs short and rounded (in lateral view).

Common Names

No common names available.

Taxonomic Hierarchy

Kingdom: Chromista

Phylum: Myzozoa

Class: Dinophyceae

Order: Thoracosphaerales

Family: Thoracosphaeraceae

Genus: Cylindratus

Species: Cylindratus Meng, Qin & Wang, 2020