Cylindratus fansipan Gnezdilov, 2021


(Figs 1 – 22) Description. Metope slightly longer than wide, with distinct median carina, running throughout postclypeus, and sublateral carinae running from its upper margin, not joined with median carina, and reaching metopoclypeal suture (Figs 1, 3, 4). Metope with 11 traces of larval sensory pits arranged in two rows (7 + 4) between lateral margin and sublateral carina on each side (Fig. 21). Lateral margins of metope overhanging pedicels. Postclypeus large, flattened frontally. Rostrum reaching hind coxae, apical segment short, half as long as 2 nd one, cylindrical, not narrowing apically, curved. Antennae with pedicel elongate, 1.5 times as long as scapus, without processes, each with two rows of plate organs (3 – 4 + 4 – 5 ones in each row) and one lateral plate organ. Ocelli absent. Coryphe elongate, 1.2 times as long medially as wide between the eyes, with median carina running from its base and not reaching apex (Figs 2, 5, 6). Metope and coryphe joined at acute angle (in lateral view). Pronotum wide, with widely rounded anterior margin, half as long as coryphe at midline, with median carina. Disc of pronotum with 4 traces of larval sensory pits along each lateral margin (Fig. 22). Paradiscal fields of pronotum relatively wide. Paranotal lobes of pronotum wide, elongate vertically, each with a single trace of larval sensory pit at basal margin. Mesonotum 1.5 times as long as pronotum at midline, with median and lateral carinae and two traces of larval sensory pits outside of lateral carina at each side. Median carina of mesonotum not running to scutellum. Tegulae not visible. Forewings short, reaching hind margin of 3 rd tergite, with reticulate venation (Figs 1, 2, 4 – 6). Hind wings apparently reduced. Abdominal tergites IV – VII with two traces of larval sensory pits on each side. Hind tibiae with a single lateral spine in apical half and with 6 apical spines. First metatarsomere slightly longer than second one, with two lateroapical and one intermediate spines. Ventral surface of first and second metatarsomeres with long hair-shaped setae. Arolium of pretarsus, with convex hind margin, not extending beyond claw apices (in dorsal view). Coloration. Male (Figs 1 – 3). General coloration light whitish yellow. Upper angles of metope dark brown, with light yellow traces of larval sensory pits. Preocular fields and genae below antennae reddish. Scapus light brownish yellow. Pedicel brown, with light yellow plate organs. Postclypeus laterally with brown dots. Apex of rostrum with black border. Coryphe, pronotum, and mesonotum light whitish yellow, with brown to dark brown wide lateral stripes. Paradiscal fields of pronotum dark brown. Paranotal lobes light yellow whitish, with dark brown basal parts. Mesonotum brown outside of lateral carinae, with yellow traces of larval sensory pits and with black upper angles. Forewings light whitish yellow, with wide dark brown longitudinal stripe running obliquely from basal outer angle to middle of hind margin. Hind episternae black. Abdominal tergites light whitish yellow medially, with light orange median line, dark brown lateral parts, with light whitish yellow traces of larval sensory pits, and brown hind margins. Abdominal sternites light whitish yellow. Apices of leg spines black. Claws and dorso-lateral plates of arolium dark brown to black. Anal tube yellowish brown medially and dark brown laterally (in dorsal view). Anal column (paraproct) yellowish brown. Pygofer whitish, with dark brown apical angles. Coloration. Female (Figs 4 – 6). Similar to male or much darker in melanistic form. In normally colored specimens (Fig. 6) general coloration light whitish yellow. Forewings with brown to dark brown claval area, without stripes. Coryphe, pro- and mesonotum with light brown lateral stripes becoming dark brown only above scutellum. Abdominal sternites light whitish yellow, with brown lateral parts. Laterotergites reddish. Gonoplacs dark brown to black outwardly. In melanistic specimen (Figs 4, 5), metope, frontoclypeus frontally, anteclypeus, coryphe, pronotum, and mesonotum dark brown, except yellow carinae. Preocular fields and genae below antennae reddish. Postclypeus laterally black. Pedicel dark brown. Rostrum brown, with black border on apex. Paradiscal fields and paranotal lobes of pronotum dark brown to black. Hind episterna black. Forewings brown to dark brown, with whitish yellow costal margins. Femora with dark brown to black bands. Tibiae yellowish brown to dark brown. Abdominal tergites dark brown to black, except light yellowish brown to brown median line and whitish yellow traces of larval sensory pits. Abdominal sternites light brown, with dark brown to black lateral parts and midline. Apices of leg spines, claws, and dorso-lateral plates of arolium black. Anal tube whitish yellow dorsally, and dark brown ventrally. Gonoplacs light brown, with dark brown to black margins. Male genitalia (Figs 13 – 17). Hind margins of pygofer strongly sinuate, convex in its upper half (in lateral view) (Fig. 14). Anal tube wide and rounded in dorsal view and wide and narrowing apically in lateral view (Figs 13, 14, 17). Anal column wide and short. Suspensorium well sclerotized. Phallobase wide, flattened dorso-ventrally (in dorsal view) (Fig. 13). Aedeagus rudimentary, with pair of ventral hooks. Connective with elongate cup. Style large, with capitulum jointed with main plate at right angle (in lateral view) (Fig. 15); apical tooth small. Capitulum of style long and narrow (in dorsal view) (Fig. 16). Style with dense small setae dorsally and sparse long setae on most surfaces. Female genitalia (Figs 18 – 20). Sternite VII with medially concave hind margin (Fig. 19). Anal tube wide, narrowing apically (in dorsal view) (Fig. 18). Gonoplacs short and rounded (in lateral view) (Fig. 20). Hind margin of pygofer angularly protruding below anal tube (in lateral view). Total length. Males — 4.0 mm. Females — 5.0 mm. 5 th instar larva (Figs 7 – 12). Structure. Metope with median carina, running throughout metopoclypeal suture to postclypeus, and with sublateral carinae and with two rows (7 + 4) of sensory pits at each side between lateral margin and sublateral carina (Figs 8, 9). Pedicel with five plate organs (2 + 3). Rostrum reaching hind coxae. Coryphe wide, nearly as wide basally as long in midline, with widely rounded anterior margin (Fig. 7). Disc of pronotum with four pits along lateral margin on each side. Each paranotal lobe of pronotum with a single pit at basal margin. Anterior wing pads each with two pits outside of lateral carina of mesothorax. Posterior wing pads of methatorax without sensory pits. Hind tibia with single lateral and six apical spines. Dorso-lateral plates of arolium not visible. Tergites IV – VI and VIII with two pits laterally on each side (Figs 10, 12). Tergite VII with three lateral pits on each side. Segment IX with four pits — two dorsal and two ventral ones (Fig. 11). Tarsomeres with three segments. First metatarsomere with two latero-apical and single intermediate spines. Coloration (Figs 7 – 12). General coloration light brown to brown, with dark brown carinae on thorax, paranotal lobes, anterior wing pads, and posterior wing pads medially and posteriorly. Metope with reddish orange median carina, except below its upper margin. Pedicel dark brown, with lighter plate organs. Rostrum with dark brown to black apical border. Coryphe, thorax, and abdominal tergites with two lateral reddish orange longitudinal stripes. Femora with brown to dark brown bands. Abdominal tergites whitish yellow medially, with reddish orange midline. Laterotergites VI – VII, each with large dark brown spot. Apices of leg spines black. Claws dark brown to black. Total length. 2.8 mm.

Common Names

No common names available.

Taxonomic Hierarchy

Kingdom: Chromista

Phylum: Myzozoa

Class: Dinophyceae

Order: Thoracosphaerales

Family: Thoracosphaeraceae

Genus: Cylindratus

Species: Cylindratus fansipan Gnezdilov, 2021