Semioptera wallacii G.R.Gray, 1859


COMMENTS: When Salvadori named halmaherae, he did not designate a type; rather, he listed 50 syntypes in his own and in other collections, with each identified by a letter. The above syntype is identified as specimen ‘‘ t’ ’’ on the original label and on the Rothschild label. It has not previously been recognized as a type. There are an additional eight syntypes in MSNG (see Arbocco et al., 1979: 247) and 11 in RMNH (see Dekker and Quaisser, 2006: 61). For discussions about the spelling of this specific name, see McAlpine (1979: 108 – 110), LeCroy (1983), LeCroy (1988), LeCroy and Bock (1989), Mlíkovský (1989), and for the decision on conservation of the spelling Semioptera wallacii, see ICZN (1990). ‘‘ Pajahe, ’’ written on the original label, is the local name for this species (C. Violani, personal commun.).

Common Names

  • Standardwing Bird-of-Paradise , English
  • Standardwing , English
  • Standardwing , English
  • Taxonomic Hierarchy

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chordata

    Class: Aves

    Order: Passeriformes

    Family: Paradisaeidae

    Genus: Semioptera

    Species: Semioptera wallacii G.R.Gray, 1859