Astrapia splendidissima Rothschild, 1895


COMMENTS: Rothschild had the single specimen when he named this form. Because van Renesse van Duivenbode was careless in recording locality data for specimens he sold, and in several cases, including this one, specimens matched those collected later in the Weyland Mountains, the assumption has been that he had people working for him in those mountains (see Amblyornis inornatus mayri and Loboparadisea sericea above). Cracraft (1992: 21) considered A. splendidissima a phylogenetic species, with forms helios and elliotsmithorum synonyms. Frith and Beehler (1998: 254 – 255) and Frith and Frith (2009 b: 467) considered A. splendidissima polytypic, recognizing A. s. helios with elliotsmithorum a synonym.

Common Names

  • Splendid Astrapia , English
  • Splendid Astrapia , English
  • Taxonomic Hierarchy

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chordata

    Class: Aves

    Order: Passeriformes

    Family: Paradisaeidae

    Genus: Astrapia

    Species: Astrapia splendidissima Rothschild, 1895