Allobates albiventris Souza, Ferrão, Kaefer, Cunha-Machado, Melo-Sampaio, Hanken & Lima, 2023
Description of the holotype. Adult male, INPAH 45035 (Figs 4 A-C; 6 A, C; 8 A-C; Table 3). Snout-vent length 14.6 mm. Head wider than long (HW / HL = 1.04); HW equals 35 % of SVL and HL equals 33 % of SVL. Eye diameter exceeds distance from eye to nostril (EL / END = 1.33); EL equals 43 % of HL. Interorbital region flat; IOD equals 88 % of HW. Tympanum rounded, visible to the naked eye. Snout slightly rounded in dorsal and lateral view. Inter-nostril region flat; nostrils rounded, laterally positioned and visible in lateral and ventral view; IND equals 49 % of IOD. Canthus rostralis straight in dorsal view; loreal region flat. Maxillary teeth present. Median lingual process absent. Vocal sac single, subgular. Lateral folds of vocal sac present at the level of angle of maxilla. Palmar tubercle rounded and conspicuous, diameter 0.42 mm. Thenar tubercle elliptical and conspicuous, width 0.29 mm. Diameter of thenar tubercle equals 69 % of that of the palmar tubercle. Subarticular tubercles protruding, oval on finger I and rounded in other fingers; two tubercles on finger III but one in each of the others; distal tubercle smaller than proximal tubercle on finger III; tubercle on finger I larger than others. Supernumerary tubercles absent. Lateral keels on fingers I-IV, poorly defined on finger I. When placed side by side, the tip of finger IV reaches the distal subarticular tubercle of finger III. Preaxial phalangeal swelling on finger II and III. Relative length of fingers: IV <II <I <III. Discs are wider than the third phalanx on fingers I, III and IV, but approximately the same width on finger II. Paired dorsal digital scutes present. Tibia and thigh lengths approximately the same (TIL / THL = 1.01), equal 49 % and 48 % of SVL, respectively. Foot length 97 % of tibia length. Tarsal keel conspicuous and curved, narrowing towards the internal metatarsal tubercle. Internal metatarsal tubercle protuberant, elliptical. External metatarsal tubercle small and round, protruding, smaller than diameter of internal metatarsal tubercle. Metatarsal fold absent. Lateral keels present on preaxial and postaxial sides of each toe. Basal webbing between toes II and IV. Subarticular tubercles rounded and evident; one each on toes I and II but two each on toes III-V. Discs rounded, wider than distal phalanx on toes II, III and IV but of similar width on toe I; disc of toe V with smaller expansion compared to toes II-IV. Paired dorsal digital scutes present. Dorsal skin smooth with small flattened and barely visible tubercles, mostly on the posterior portion; skin on arms smooth; skin on legs smooth with small tubercles. Ventral surface of body, arms and legs smooth. In preservative (Fig. 4 A-C), dorsal surface of body and limbs light brown; numerous dark brown melanophores form a longitudinal band, which is slightly constrained behind the eyes and diffuse towards the cloaca (Fig. 4 A). A narrow and cream-colored dorsolateral stripe with an irregular upper border extends from posterior region of eyelids to mid-posterior region of body (Fig. 4 B). Lateral stripe dark brown; darkest from the tip of the snout to the region above the axilla; lower border regular on snout but irregular in ventrolateral region of body (Fig. 4 B). Paler oblique stripe diffuse, extends from the inguinal region to the axilla. Ventrolateral stripe absent. Ventrolateral region beige; melanophores form small dark brown irregular spots. Transverse dark brown bar on thigh and tibia is widest on tibia (Fig. 4 A). Anterior region of thigh light brown, posterior region dark brown; paracloacal marks cream, conspicuous. Chest, throat and vocal sac cream with small dark brown melanophores; belly cream, lacks melanophores or dark spots. Ventral surface of arms beige with scarce brown melanophores; light brown on forearms. Mid-ventral surface of thigh and tibia cream, without melanophores; ventrolateral surface with irregular dark brown spots (Fig. 4 C). Palmar and plantar surfaces dark brown (Figs 4 C, 5 A, C). Tongue longer than wide, with anterior third attached to the floor of the mouth, cream-colored (Fig. 4 B). Coloration in life is similar to that in preservative. Dark marks, spots, stripes, lines and bars are more conspicuous. Background coloration of the dorsum cream. Ventrolateral stripe discontinuous from the posterior corner of the eye to the axilla; small iridescent dots and spots visible below the dark brown band (Fig. 8 A-C). Iris metallic bronze, pupil black. Ventral surface of arms and legs varies between light gray and rosaceous gray. Throat and vocal sac translucent white; chest and belly white. Paired digital dorsal scutes white.
Common Names
No common names available.
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Aromobatidae
Genus: Allobates
Species: Allobates albiventris Souza, Ferrão, Kaefer, Cunha-Machado, Melo-Sampaio, Hanken & Lima, 2023